Placenta Encapsulation Service

Potential Benefits of Your Placenta
- contains your own natural hormones and is especially made for you
- re-balance your system after childbirth
- replenish depleted iron levels
- give you more energy postpartum
- lessen postpartum bleeding
- increase milk production
- happier postpartum period
- avoid/lessen baby blues or postpartum depression
Your Placenta Encapsulation Experience Includes:
Price: $325 |
Birth: Before and After follows strict guidelines for placenta encapsulation:
Birth: Before and After wants you to be completely secure in knowing that the capsules you get are your own and have been handled in a safe and sanitary manner. Please feel free to ask more detailed questions about our no doubt policy.
- The encapsulation service is only provided in your home.
- Your PPS takes a yearly blood borne pathogen training.
- Only you or a trusted loved one will transport your placenta.
Birth: Before and After wants you to be completely secure in knowing that the capsules you get are your own and have been handled in a safe and sanitary manner. Please feel free to ask more detailed questions about our no doubt policy.
The information on this website is not meant to diagnose any health related issues. Placenta encapsulation is not approved or regulated by the FDA. Deb (or Birth: Before and After) is not a doctor or other health care professional.